Day 7 – Weight Loss Journey

Today is day 7 of my weight loss journey! Proud to say I stuck to my plan all week (I only snuck about three fruit snacks). I will do my weekly weigh-in tomorrow morning to see how it went. Let me tell you what I have been up to!

This is one of many Mother’s Day photos my brother was so nice to take of my boys and I!

My original plan was to change the way I have been eating, and how much I eat etc. Exercise has not really been a part of my plan. But I know it is important, and it will come. What I did decide to do over the last week was to eat very similar things each day. I did this because it can be very overwhelming to have to make good decisions on what to eat each day. The last thing I want to do is to get overwhelmed, or feel like I have to run out to store every day to get something healthy to prepare. So, I wanted to make sure I was easy on myself. What I’m hoping is that I can learn as I go, and have more options as I get better at this!

The following is what I ate each day this week.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and a piece of fruit (I ate bananas and pears!)

Snack: Protein shake + espresso over ice (a delicious 160 calories treat to replace my lattes).

Add 3/4 cups cold espresso + a carton of Premier Protein over ice and you have a refreshing, delicious iced coffee treat!

Hint: I make multiple shots of espresso in advance and chill in pitcher for 3-4 days. You could probably also buy cold brew, or make cold brew.

Lunch: Any variety of raw broccoli, asparagus, and carrots with yellow mustard for dipping + a low carb wrap with sliced turkey, slice of cheese, a large handful of spring mix and mayo/mustard.

Snack: Baked, cold sweet potato (1-2 days I got tired of this and decided to dip my potato in just a little honey mustard).

Dinner: For dinners I tried to eat a low carb version of what my family was eating. One night we had burgers, I omitted the bun and added extra tomato and spring mix. Very small portions of pasta salad and baked beans were consumed. Last night I made shredded bbq chicken. I ate my chicken on a left over 1/2 of a sweet potato. Also, we had spaghetti and meatballs one night – I just had sauce and meatballs and didn’t miss a thing!

I tried to drink 40oz. of water each day (I should probably be drinking more like 60 oz. I think), but this is really hard for me for some reason. I literally hit the ground running every morning. Most days taking care of my kids, and the house… before I even know it it is lunch time and I haven’t had a drink of water. The same thing happens when I am at work… I just start work and before I know it, the day is over and I am parched (can any nurses relate?). I really need to remember to fill up my cup first thing and make it a habit.

Do I feel hungry during the day? Not on this eating plan! I guess with all the fiber and protein, it really helps me stay satiated between meals. I do remember 1-2 evenings where I did feel hungry (like actual stomach grumbling – not just cravings) and I had to tell myself what I have told myself in the past: feeling hungry is good, it means you are losing weight and you can’t lose weight unless you feel this way. I have literally brainwashed myself to think this! I really don’t want to believe this, and the last thing I want is for other people to learn this. But honestly, (other than breastfeeding and college swimming) I have never lost weight unless I was absolutely starving. So soon we will find out if it is possible to lose weight and not be hungry.

“…feeling hungry is good, it means you are losing weight and you can’t lose weight unless you feel this way. I have literally brainwashed myself to think this! “

Lastly, at the end of my last blog post I had mentioned weighing-in. Well, I’m not ready for that. At least I am not ready to share my weight with you all. I guess I am ashamed, or afraid of failure. But I think what I would rather do is make small goals for myself in terms of pounds lost. I do plan to measure myself (arms, thigh, waist etc.) at some point and keep track of inches, but not right now. I will leave that for another blog post, someday.

My plan is to continue on with healthy eating similar to what I have been doing, and hopefully incorporate some exercise into my routine for the next 7 days. As for goals, right now my goal is to lose 10 lbs. I need to lose more than that, I know, and trust me I plan on it. But right now, I am going to stick with small stepping stones. When I reach my 10lbs down, I will reward myself with something (not food related) and make a new goal.