A lot of us have been here before. Maybe most of us in someway, shape or form? Its a hard topic for sure… I can already tell just by trying to form sentences that I am really (very much so) struggling to get these words on paper. Not only does it take a lot of courage to admit that you have a weight problem but to admit that your diet of Starbucks lattes and drive thru meals are not few and far between and the reason behind the increasing pounds. Its true, we really are what we eat.
Working at the same clinic where I am also a patient has really been an eye opener. When am I going to get the results phone call that I am pre-diabetic? Or that I need to start a statin medication to lower my cholesterol? Yeah, no…Really not wanting to hear that from my colleagues (especially after I just provided nurse education to a diabetic patient on proper diet).

Secret: A lot of my photos are face-only selfies to avoid showing my body on social media!
Side note: I took this photo yesterday for a listing on my Etsy shop. I have a collection of masks for sale at: winter woodsy.etsy.org
Later this month, I will be turning 35! I don’t really get too excited about my birthday. To be honest, I mostly look forward to eating a good meal & dessert (usually BBQ) with good company. And sometimes I end up celebrating 2-3 times with different family depending on what day of the week my birthday falls on. So you know what that means, right? It means I get 2-3 BBQs & my favorite desserts! I’m not going to get philosophical (because I am not a philosophical person) but why is food so delicious to the point that each celebratory event revolves around it? I am hoping throughout this journey, I can teach myself to make healthier choices, eat appropriate portions so I can still enjoy what we all enjoy so much – FOOD!
Age 17 was when I first noticed and became aware of my weight. I was a competitive swimmer for my entire youth. At age 17 and a senior in high school, I injured my shoulder. This required me to sit out for swim practice and even skip out all together on spring waterpolo season to rest and recover for college swimming. In a short amount of time, maybe about 4 months I noticed that my clothes started to fit different, and my face shape changed. Not to say I was “fat”, but I was noticing my body changing. I started swimming for the WSU Cougar Women’s Swim Team that fall. We did morning runs, 4x/week weight lifting, swim practice 2x/day – 5 days a week plus Saturday mornings. Thats right, exactly what you were thinking – TORTURE! When my Mom came out to drive me home for the holidays – I remember her face when she saw me. I had lost the freshmen 15lbs, instead of gained it. No big surprise though right (anyone would lose weight doing that kind of workout)? The funny, ironic thing was… My diet was horrible. I could eat whatever I wanted, however much I wanted and still lost weight. I even had to add funds to my dining account.
So needless to say, I never changed my eating habits after I retired from swimming. I remember a few people telling me I should do things like shrink my stomach and start a resistance workouts to maintain weight and muscle. This is still on my to-do list to this day – nearly 15 years later.
And now I’ve had two kids! Two little boys! Nineteen months apart! So who has time to make grocery lists, meal prep, push a cart around at the store with two tired kids? NOT ME! I’m over hearing trying to settle a push fight over a toy monster truck, chasing after a 3.5 year old on his scooter cruising down the road to play with his friends without a helmet, and making sure that no one wets their pants because I forgot to help them pull their pants down (every 45 minutes). Listen, if I try and do all this you better bet I’m going to be getting myself an Iced Grande Toffee Nut Latte and some chicken nuggets for lunch. Don’t forget the fries and coke.
Everything I do is for you two!
So tomorrow morning things change. Why not start now you ask? Because it is 10:05pm and I am going to wrap this up and go to bed. But I have made the decision. The decision to document this journey here on the interwebs for anyone to read. I also have the knowledge and resources I need to be able to make better choices. Tomorrow starts day 1 of my journey to navigate ways in which I can still enjoy food, but also be a healthier, energetic and happier version of myself.
Stay tuned. Tomorrow I will do my day 1 weigh-in and talk about my goals.