Hi folks!
I had high hopes of my first blog post being on New Year’s Day and all about the glitter and glam of our New Year’s celebration and officially documenting my resolutions but we have all been ‘under the weather’ since NYE. So needless to say, there was no glitter or glam and I am posting this four days late. We celebrated NYE at our house, with my parents and brother. The kids and I watched Disney movies with Uncle Nick and were in bed by 10:30pm. I was just coming down with ‘the crud’ that day so I was basically still in denial about being sick at the time. Tom was already in the thick of his cold and was in bed by 9pm. We heard a few fireworks outside while we were watching movies but didn’t hear a thing at midnight because we were all fast asleep. It was a fun night nonetheless and honestly, probably wouldn’t have been any different even if I was feeling better.
So instead, I am going to kick off this first blog post by introducing The Barnes Family!
Tom (aka “Dad”)
Meet my husband, Tom. We’ve been happily married since August 2015. We met in 2006 at Washington State University and the rest is history! During the (almost 10) years before he popped the question, our relationship was long-distance. Both of us were starting our careers, or going back to school to start a new career. For me, I knew he was ‘the one’ and never questioned our relationship for a moment. I think we both knew that deep down, we would eventually settle down together in close proximity and that the long-distance commitment was worth it.
Tom is a Professional Engineer and works full-time. He is a fun-loving handy-man, sportsman and family man. He enjoys a good bbq, Mack n’ Jacks African Amber beer, loves to read and is a huge history buff. He hates tomatoes, cooked onions and mushrooms. Without a doubt, he is my rock and love of my life. I would definitely say that Acts of Service is his love language because he will do anything for me.
In October of 2016, Tom became a Father! Since then, he has become the father of two little boys who you will meet shortly. He loves to rough-house with them on the living room floor and read books to them about bugs, dinosaurs, work machines and sea life. And I know he is anxiously waiting for one of them to tag-a-long with him on their first fishing trip together.
Aaron (aka A-a-ron, Bubba, Little One)
Aaron was born in October of 2016, making Tom and I proud new parents. Aaron was evicted from by womb at 41+ weeks and we both swear that he was advanced from the get go. He was the sweetest baby, truly… He spoiled us. We didn’t make it look easy, it was easy. He almost never fussed and never needed a pacifier. Getting dressed in the morning was always the highlight of his day. Big smiles all the time for the camera. Great sleeper from the get-go, loves his own bed, and sleep training took less than five minutes on night one before he knew what was going on.
Today, he is 3 years old. His interests at the moment include cars, trucks, dinosaurs and bugs. His favorite shows include Peppa Pig, Miniscule and Blippi. He always eats his fruits and vegetables first. He loves playing 1-2-3 with his Dad, hiding under blankets and getting a new $.99 hot wheels car when we go to the store.
Watching Aaron become a big brother was one of the most touching experiences I have ever witnessed. In May 2018, Aaron became a Big Bubba to to his little Bubby Zachary. Today, Aaron generally is a good big brother but we are definitely having to work on things like sharing, and not hitting.
Zachary (aka Zach, B-b-ron, Bubby, Littlest One)
Zachary is the baby of our family, born in May of 2018. We call him “Zach” for short. Isn’t it crazy how completely opposite your children can be? Of course our love for the little guy is unconditional but boy oh boy was he fussy (and still is).
Today, Zach is 19 months old. He is definitely a Mama’s boy but loves to wrestle with Dad and follow his Big Bubba around. He wants anything and everything his brother has (toys, food, blankets, etc.) His favorite toy right now is his Mickey Mouse. He still uses a pacifier, takes really good naps in his crib during the day but likes to snuggle at night. His smile will make your heart melt.
I feel so incredibly blessed to be a Mama to these two little boys. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I have been chosen to be their Mom, trusted to care for and raise them into the men they will become. It has been the most beautiful adventure so far, and I can’t wait to see what 2020 has planned for us.

Love this! Looking forward to more.
This made my night, thank you!